The Future is Here - Free your Mind


Never has there been such a huge difference in technology from one person to the next. In an instance one can be designing a strange new material through Nano technology and having a Cobot manufacturing it; and the next moment you pass a beggar in the street whose children can hardly read. The gap in knowledge is monumental; and it is uphold by small-minded, greedy men, lurking in the shadows of political and economic power.

At the same time our Great Mother is suffering from the same greed. With sharp teeth and claws companies are gnawing away at the very Root of our existence on this Planet; all in the name of greed and egoism.

But there is something quite remarkable going on at the same time; our technology has reached such a complexity that production no longer needs human labor. All we are required to do is to be creative, cooperative and social - in short to be Human.

Also the emergence of computers, internet and quantum technology has put us right on the edge, if not past it already, of a Global consciousness. The answer to how to run a Global and Sustainable high technology civilization has been given to us.

Is it not fantastic that the greed of tiny men has driven the world to a point where all it takes is a new algorithm in the web; and the tiny men no longer hold any power?

The Future is here, now; and it is ours - together. Change your Mind, and the World will change with it.


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