The Lord's Prayer
As I was standing at the shoreline and looking to the see, a woman appeared out of the water. She was shimmering like the inside of an Oyster shell and She said "Let me offer you a Flaming Sword by which you can set the World on Fire." She raised her hands and held forward a scroll with writings in red:
Yithqadash sh'mak.
Tethe malkuthak.
Teh'wey ra'uthak
Pitthan d-çorak hav lan yomen.
w-Shbuq lan hobenan.
Hek 'anan sh'baqin l-haibenan.
w-La 'ul lan l-nisyon.
I was given the scroll to eat and as I did the Word entered in to my Heart:
May thy name be holy.
May thy kingdom come.
May thy will be done.
Give us today our needed bread
and forgive us our debts
as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation.
And suddenly All was clear - I am a Child of God. I am Holy and Gods Kingdom is in me. I want nothing but the Will of God. I ask for my Spiritual bread which is most needed, and I ask for forgiveness as I forgive everyone and everything. I ask also for guidance on my way to Perfection.
As I stepped into the Water the surface carried my body as if it was made out of Sunlight. I embraced the Woman, and so it All was Perfected as One.
Malkutha |
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